Greenhouse Canada

Start of collaboration between B.C., Netherlands on data-driven horticulture

April 27, 2023  By Kaitlin Secord

April 27, 2023 – During a mission trip to B.C., a declaration of intent was announced between B.C.’s Windset Farms, B.C. Centre for Agritech Innovation (BCCAI), and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) to develop a collaborative research project around these topics.

Last week, members of Greenhouse Horticulture & Flower Bulbs, Wageningen University & Research, AgroFoodRobotics and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation from the Netherlands visited Vancouver to discuss automation, robotization, and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in horticulture.

“Horticulture in B.C., faces challenges in the areas of labour, sustainability/circularity, food waste, quality, and earning capacity, much like in the Netherlands,” states a news release from WUR. It’s been suggested that agtech can be part of the solution.

One of the events, organized by BCCAI, was to discuss “the co-creation of an innovation agenda for horticulture by Dutch and Canadian companies and research institutes.”


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