Greenhouse Canada

FROM THE EDITOR: Showcase your best and brightest!

March 10, 2023  By Andrew Snook

Andrew Snook, editor of Greenhouse Canada.

I’m excited to announce that Greenhouse Canada’s annual awards recognizing top talent in the sector are now open for submissions!

Top 4 Under 40
Nominations are now open for Greenhouse Canada’s Top 4 Under 40 award. From commercial growers and wholesalers to manufacturers and allied trades, we’re recognizing the best and the brightest in greenhouse horticulture.

Sponsored by Paul Boers Manufacturing and Prins Greenhouses (thank you for your support!), these awards are designed to showcase the sector’s up and coming talent and future leaders.

Here are the details that you need to know for nominating someone:


  • All nominees must be 39 years of age or under as of December 31, 2023.
  • Working in, or supplying goods, for the Canadian greenhouse industry and whose operation is based in Canada.

All nominees should:

  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic.
  • Show leadership and initiative.
  • Actively seek new opportunities for training and education.
  • Participate in industry events and associations.

Nominations close May 12, 2023.
To nominate someone, visit:

Grower of the Year

  • Nominations are also open for the 2023 Grower of the Year award!
  • This award recognizes a fellow greenhouse grower for innovative thinking, hard work and dedication to their craft.


  • All nominees must be active in their greenhouse operations and based in Canada. There are no age restrictions.

Judging criteria:
We’re looking for nominees who demonstrate a strong work ethic, leadership and initiative, lifelong learning and/or active participation in the industry. Anecdotes and support from multiple colleagues are welcome.

Nominations close May 12, 2023.
To nominate someone, visit:

Both the Top 4 Under 40 and Grower of the Year winners will be revealed at Grower Day and featured in an upcoming issue of Greenhouse Canada.

Have Questions?
Call or email Greenhouse Canada editor Andrew Snook at

Good luck to all of this year’s entrants!  

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